Good morning!
Don't forget that we have our Teams call today at 10.45am. We'll play some games so bring a pen and some paper!
Can't wait to see you all!
Sports Week
Today, we're going to think about a major rugby competition - The Six Nations.
I'd like you to choose a chilli and complete the comprehension based on this.
I recommend that you work in your books rather than on the sheet as you'll have more room for your answers!
Remember, when completing comprehension questions:
1. Read the text
2. Read the question
3. Find the key word in the question
4. Scan the text for the key word
5. Read around the key word when you've found it
6. Record your answer in as much detail as possible
Today, you've got a codebreaker to have a go at!
Solve the calculation and match the answer to a letter using the code. Each set of calculations will reveal a word linked to rugby!
Just For Fun
Today, you have a simple crossword based on the countries in the Six Nations and their flags.
Daily PE Task
Don't forget to complete your daily PE tasks to represent your house and help them to win the house cup!
You can find the tasks at:
and you can input your scores using the link below: