Maths: Watch the video on the 3 x table and choose your chilli challenge.
Brain break
Geography/History: Join me at 10 o'clock for our Geography lesson. We will be starting to think about how Ancient Egypt's geographical features helped it to become a great trading civilisation. To complete your task you will need to mention these features: the red land, the black land, the Mediterranean, the River Nile, the natural resources the civilisation had to trade and what manmade objects could be traded? Look at the link below they will help you complete your work.
Make sure to present your work beautifully, just like you did with your amazing timelines! I'm looking for work to add to the school's website and the History timeline display next to the Year 2 classroom.
Brain Break
English: Read the next section of the story until the scene where Charaxos is watching Rhodipis. What do we know now about Rhodipis? How would children describe her? Has she changed as a character?
Create an outline drawing of Rhodipis and annotate this with their view of her feelings on the inside and what others think of her on the outside.