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LO - Can I write a play-script?


Today, you are going to be writing a play-script for a scene in the play of Romeo and Juliet. Below I have added an example of what a play-script looks like. You’ll notice that there is normally a section at the top which describes the setting. When each person says something their name is written followed by a colon and what the person is actually saying. Even though the character is going to say something, you do NOT need to use speech marks. In brackets you may have stage directions. You will be creating a play-script describing the scene where a Romeo meets Juliet. Maybe it could be at a party or ball.



Romeo: Would you like to dance? (Romeo offers Juliet his hand)





LO - Can I write commands?


A command is a type of sentence which tells someone to do something. Commands will be very useful when writing a play-script. Think back to the commands you have given over the last week. Write 5 commands down in your book you have personally used recently (I hope you have been polite).




LO - Can I create a timetable?


Each week at school the teachers have to create a timetable of activities. Timetables are everywhere. You might see one at a bus stop, or train station, or even in a television guide. If you can, have a look at a television guide. Imagine that you are going to dedicate a whole afternoon to watching television? What would you watch? (there can’t be an clashes in programmes). Try to plan from 12pm (lunchtime) and go all the way to 5pm. What channels are the programmes on? Try to use the 24 hour clock if you can. It might look something like this...


He-Man Cartoon Network 12.00 - 12.25

Channel 5

12.30 - 13.00

Remember, I’m not expecting you to watch these programmes.

Theme/Shakespeare Week


Use the play-script and puppets from yesterday to put on a show for your siblings or parents (when they aren’t busy). You might need to draw a scene background for your puppets to perform in front of.

Children’s Work

The Magical House - by Oliver

Jacob's Home Learning from Friday

Jacob's Home Learning from Monday
