We still have a few Elmers missing from our shhhhhhh secret mission. Please look at last Wednesday's (13th May) page for more detail. After Wednesday this week (20th May) I will colour in an Elmer and write the missing children's names on.
Monday 18th May 2020
Well done for all your hard work over the last fortnight with our subtraction work. It can be tricky and it is important that you keep practising the methods we looked at. I have had lots of email from your Mums and Dads about how impressed they are with your effort and learning. I'm really pleased that you all work so hard!
This week in mathematics we will be looking at position and direction. This area of maths looks at;
Some useful vocabulary and definitions
for your work this week.
Today you will need a helper. I would like you to give your helper instructions to move around a space. I would like you to use the words forwards, backwards, right turn, left turn and then the number of steps. After a while try to use words clockwise and anti clockwise when turning and see what your helper does.
Next it is your turn to follow instructions. Ask your helper to give you some instructions to move around. Can you show a clockwise and anticlockwise movement?
Now look at this:
Take a look at the picture below to reveal the answer. Were you right?
We have now finished our non-fiction work on wolves and with one more week until half term I thought we would look at some poetry.
We have looked at lots of types of poems in Year 2; list poems, shapes poems, poems on a theme and this week we are going to look at a rhyming poem.
Being able to spot rhyme is an early reading skill but sometimes children can find it hard to hear and find a rhyme. As a little warm up to get us thinking about rhyme look at the activity below. Can you find the words that rhyme?
Words that rhyme sometimes have a similar spelling pattern.
Look at the words below;
The word toy rhymes with the two red words joy and boy. Look carefully at the spelling pattern.
All three words have the same spelling pattern the digraph oy is in all of them. We would usually expect these words to rhyme and they do!
Look at the words below;
Here the red words rhyme with the word seed. The word bead has an alternative spelling of ee - ea and the same d sound at the end so it rhymes with seed.
BE CAREFUL, rhyme is all about the sounds even though spelling patterns can help us we always need to listen to the sound. The example below is tricky!
You might want to say that bowl rhymes with scowl because it has the same spelling pattern but the owl sound is said differently in scowl. What do I always say in class? English spelling and phonics is very tricky!
Today I am going to give you 5 words. I would then like you to think of 7 other words that rhyme with the word I have given you. Remember to think of spelling patterns and alternative spelling of the sounds within a word. I have done an example below to show you how to create a rhyme string (a string of words that rhyme).
Sleep beep - creep - sheep - cheap - leap - keep - sweep
You words are;
Topic/Theme - Geography
So far in geography we have looked at an aerial photograph of the village of Tanworth in Arden, thought about the difference between villages, towns and cities and thought about where people might live from their clues. Today we are going to have a think about where we live. Some of you may live in a village like Tanworth, a town like Redditch or a city like Birmingham.
In Year 1 you would have learnt about the terms human and physical when describing the features of a place.
Today I would like you to think about the place that you live and make a list of the human and physical features you can think off. You might like to draw and label them, take photographs or make a list, it's up to you!
Don't make the mistake of choosing things that can be moved e.g a car is not a human feature even though it is man made it is not a feature of a place or landscape!