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W/C: 18th January

Friday 22nd January




1. English - LO: Can I identify the features of a persuasive argument? 


2. Teams call - Maths - 10.20am - 10.40am


3. Maths task - LO: Can I multiply using a written method? To be turned in on Teams by 2.15pm please


4. Theme - Spanish - LO: As a linguist, can I write numbers to 100?


5. Teams call - Feedback and games - 2.45pm - 3.00pm


Don't forget that you can also complete a spelling activity, do some personal reading, listen to the weekly music and complete the daily PE activity and activities for the Get Set to Tokyo challenge!


Remember to take brain breaks!

Remember I'm available on Teams if you have any questions or need any help


Have a fantastic Friday!

Three weeks of home learning completed! You are all complete stars and I'm so proud of you!

Have the best weekend


Miss Cutler heart

Thursday 21st January




1. Maths - LO: Can I multiply using a written method? 


2. Teams call - English - 10.20am - 10.40am


3. English task - LO: Can I identify the features of a persuasive argument? To be turned in on Teams by 2.15pm please


4. Theme - LO: As a geographer, can I locate mountain ranges in the UK?


5. Teams call - Feedback - 2.45pm - 3.00pm


Remember to take brain breaks! Don't forget to complete and log your daily PE activity and complete a spelling task :)


Have a thoroughly good Thursday! Take it slow, think things through and remember that you just have to try your best and that I can't ask anymore of you than that! You are all super stars!

Remember I'm available on Teams if you have any questions or need any help


Miss Cutler heart

English (if you can't access on Teams)

Theme (if you can't access on Teams)

Wednesday 20th January




1. English - LO: Can I identify the structure of a persuasive argument?


2. Teams call - Maths - 10.20am - 10.40am


3. Maths task - LO: Can I multiply using a written method? To be turned in on Teams by 2.15pm please


4. Theme - RE - LO: As a theologist, can I explain the significance of prayer to Muslims?


5. Teams call - Feedback - 2.45pm - 3.00pm


Remember to take brain breaks! Don't forget to complete and log your daily PE activity and complete a spelling task :)


Have a wonderful Wednesday! Half way through the week! Let's make it a good day!

Remember I'm available on Teams if you have any questions or need any help


Miss Cutler heart

Tuesday 19th January




1. Maths - LO: Can I multiply accurately using a written method? 


2. Teams call - English - 10.20am - 10.40am


3. English task - LO: Can I give and justify my opinions? To be turned in on Teams by 2.15pm please


4. Theme - Geography - LO: As a geographer, can I carry out research?


5. Teams call - Feedback - 2.45pm - 3.00pm


Remember to take brain breaks! Don't forget to complete and log your daily PE activity and complete a spelling task :)


Have a terrific Tuesday. Keep working hard because you are doing so well!

Remember I'm available on Teams if you have any questions or need any help


Miss Cutler heart

Maths trickier task (if you can't take it off Teams!)

Monday 18th January




1. Maths - LO: Can I multiply using a written method? 


2. Teams call - English - 10.20am - 10.40am


3. English task - LO: Can I use brackets for parenthesis? To be turned in on Teams by 2.15pm please


4. Theme - PSHE - LO: Can I describe my aspirations?


5. Teams call - Feedback - 2.45pm - 3.00pm


Remember to take brain breaks! Don't forget to complete and log your daily PE activity and complete a spelling task :)


Have a lovely day Year 5 - remember I'm here if you need me! 

Miss Cutler heart
