Please put any work you do in your purple exercise book or take pictures and put them on Tapestry. I can't wait to see what you get up to!
Look at your sound mats and say all the sounds up to and including the 'ure' sound.
Look at the tricky words and say all the tricky words for Phase 2 and Phase 3.
Last sound!
Today you will be learning the 'er' sound.
Log into the Bug Club and follow the 'er' lesson.
There are not many children who accessed the lessons last week so I just want to make sure you know how to find it.
Once logged in, you click on 'My Stuff' and scroll all the way to the end.
If you have issues finding it, please email the office to let me know.
As this is the last sound for Set 11 so I have also put a game on the Bug Club for you to practise the sounds ear, air, ure and er.
I hope you enjoyed your sharing activity yesterday!
What did you use? I used chocolate buttons...yum!
Don't forget sharing means 'putting into equal groups'.
Parents: Whenever you do a sharing activity, check the amount of items you are going to be sharing to make sure there are going to be no remainders. For example, when sharing into three groups, make sure your start amount is a multiple of three.
Today you are going to be sharing into three groups.
You can use people or toys.
Repeat what you did yesterday but today you with be saying, "One for me, one for you, one for you..."
What is 12 shared into three groups? (4)
Repeat with other numbers/objects.
Challenge: once items have been shared equally remove one item from one group and put in another and ask, "Have the items been shared equally?" Encourage answers such as, "No because there isn't the same amount in all the groups/the groups aren't equal".
Today you are going to be making your own Smed or Smoo or an alien of your creation.
I'm leaving this activity completely open: you can paint it, you can junk model's up to you!
Be creative and show me your finished designs on Tapestry.
Don't for get Mr Nicholls sets activities under the P.E. section on the Class Pages overview.