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Fri 27th

Good morning. It's Friday!


For Maths today, I would like you to do a page of your Maths homework book. Simply complete the next test in your book.


For spellings today, I'd like you to write a sentence for each spelling word in your group's spellings, so you can show that you can use it in your own writing.


Your English task for today is a reading comprehension. Read the attached short story, then answer as many of the questions as you can. smiley


In our science we have been looking at vertebrates an invertebrates and the diets of animals. Today we are moving onto the human skeleton. First of all, I'd like you to watch these clips which help explain about our skeletons and the roles they take for us.

Now see if you can research some of the key bones in the body and work out which bone goes where on the diagram. You can either print it out, draw it or simply talk through each one with an adult.