LO – Can I write a letter?
I hope you enjoyed creating the play-script yesterday. Today, you are going to be writing a letter from the perspective of Romeo or Juliet. Ideally, I’d like you to write a letter to your parents explaining that they are being really unfair by not allowing you to marry the love of your life. You would have to explain why it is unfair and how they should change their mind.
If I were completing this task I would think about write three paragraphs.
I’m well aware that some of you may feel a little uncomfortable writing about love. If this task is too uncomfortable, you could imagine that Romeo and Juliet are just children, and their parents don’t want them to play together at the park. I will be happy with either version but would love it if some children tried to write the proper version.
If you are struggling for ideas, try to write a list of all the things you miss about your friends at school. Then imagine your parents refusing to let you see them.
LO - Can I write questions?
Carrying on with our theme of sentence types. Today, I would like you to write down 5 questions you have asked in the last few days. They must be correctly punctuated so will need question marks at the end.
LO - Can I estimate and round?
Maths today has been set on mymaths. I have selected two tasks. The first is about estimation. You know from class that estimation is a type of educated guess. The second is about rounding. You will be rounding to 10 and to 100.
Hopefully, you will remember from class that if you want to round to 10 you need to look at the ‘ones’ column and if it is below 5 you round down and if it is 5 (or above) you have round up.
EG 43 rounded to 10 would be 40.
When round to 100, you would need to look at the ‘tens’ column.
LO - Can I draw William Shakespeare?
Have a look at the picture below. It is a sketch of William Shakespeare. You’ll notice that it isn’t coloured but does have some shading. If you look really closely, you will see that much of the picture is made up of lines. I’d like you to try to recreate this picture of William using some lines to create shading and depth. I’d love to be able to upload some pictures to the blog tomorrow.