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Wednesday 29th April 2020


LO: Can I use the present perfect form of verbs?

This is a form of verbs which you will use all the time but may not be aware of the “official” name for!  It is used to say “I have” or “he/she has” done something.


First, use the PowerPoint about the present perfect form and listen to the teaching. If this is not possible, remind yourself using the Revision Sheet.


Then, I’d like you to complete the What might they say? Activity by writing the sentences in your book.  Choose verbs to match the animals and then write a sentence in the present perfect form.  (You might find it helpful to revisit the Talking Animals sheet or the story from Tuesday’s English activity to help with this).



LO: Can I take on the role of a character?


Look at the picture.  (I have also included it as an attachment in case it is easier for you to look at printed out)

• What can you notice in the picture? Try to make a note about ten things that you can see.

• Where in the story does this come? How would you explain it to somebody else in three sentences?  Use some of these verbs to help you:

realised                    heard                       listened                         thought 

understood                slept                      dreamt                          decided

chosen                    dropped


Imagine that the man is writing to his family to explain why he has left his job. What will he say to them?

Write a postcard (these are usually one or two paragraphs in length) from the man to his family. Try to include at least one sentence in the present perfect form (practised in today’s GPS activity).


LO: Can I solve problems with rounding decimals?


Today's work builds on yesterday's learning.


Have a think about the problems on the PPT.  For each one, think about your answer first before clicking on to the next slide.


To consolidate yesterday’s learning, please complete one of the rounding decimals colouring sheets.  There are three different ones within the document which get more challenging as you move from * to ***.  Think carefully and remember, it is not only numbers starting with 5 (for example) that round to 5, some numbers will round up to 5 as well!


I have also included an extra challenge in a separate document.



LO: Can I compare different regions?


Today, I'd like you to use the website to find out facts about Brazil, which is one of the countries you will have identified as having being the location of rainforest last week (Extra points if you can name the rainforest!).  If you want to look at other websites as well, that’s fine!


You can present what you have found out in any way you like - a poster, PPT, video, map, model - it's up to you!

As part of this or separately in your book, can you also describe some similarities and differences between Brazil and Great Britain?
