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Summer Week 4: 11.05.20

This week is Mental Health Week and we would have been thinking about our mental health in school.  But, it's probably even more important to think about and take care of ourselves at this unprecedented time!  As I've said to quite a few parents last week, be kind to yourself and don't make home learning a battle, if some days things are not going right with the home learning, take a break from it for the day.  Yours and your child's mental wellbeing and relationship is far more important than any home learning task I have set!  But, I do want to say that you're doing an amazing job!

#FaithAtHome: Thank you parents - you're enough

A thank you to parents and families at this difficult time. You're invited to get involved in #FaithAtHome. Find out more at

One way some people help to relieve stress is to colour! The document below is a bumper pack of Mindfulness Colouring pages.

English: We're going to focus on instructions again today, but it is mainly a reading and comprehension task.  The instructions below are all muddled up!  There are two levels of instructions, choose the level that is right for you. Can you put them in the right order?  (If you don't have a printer can you copy them out onto post it notes or strips of paper?) Once you've done that can you find the verb (remember it's an action word) and underline it.

Maths: I've been so impressed with the arrays work that has been sent in, I hope you've all enjoyed it!  We're going to do a couple more lessons focussed on arrays as they are so important for understanding multiplication.  (Remember, we don't learn timestables in Year 1.)


First of all I'd like you to warm up by joining in with the counting song that we sing in class from BBC Supermoves.  Here's the link:


I would like you today to create an array city.  The video below will show you what I mean!

Array City Multiplication Activity

Below is a template of a city outline that you can use if you wish (you can draw or cut out your own if you want!).  Try to stick to an array that you can count up in twos, fives or tens. Or make an array for these multiplications:

2 X 10

3 X 5

4 X 2

5 X 1

Can you find the answer?

Some more instructions are in the document below, as is a challenge if you feel up to it!
