LO: Can I create expanded noun phrases?
Today I’d like you to experiment with your words to create an expanded noun phrases for each item. Try different combinations out to see which you like best. Usually two or three adjectives is enough to go with each noun.
Here are some of mine:
You might want to try to use some alliteration, where your noun and adjectives start with the same sound:
Kit Wright expanded his phrases further by adding an extra noun, you are welcome to try this if you are feeling inspired or if it works better for your particular item:
- the comforting hug of a favourite hoodie
- the cheer from scoring an exciting goal
It is fine if you decide to stick with just the expanded noun phrases – they will be a great way of describing your items!
LO: Can I understand the effect of dividing by 10 and 100?
It would be useful to have some 0-9 digit cards for today’s activity. You can make them out of paper. If you just want to write the digits down then write them underneath in their new positions, that is fine. Watch the video to see how I have used the place value grid to divide by 10 and 100. Remember we move each digit one place to the right when dividing by 10, and move them two paces to the right when dividing by 100. Create your own numbers using your digit cards and divide them by both 10 and 100 (eg. 24 ÷ 10 = ? 25 ÷ 100 = ?) . Don’t forget to put in the 0 place holders if needed once they become decimals. What do you notice about each pair of answers?
Here are some extra challenges if you’d like to have a go at some more…
LO: Can I use a dictionary?
Your spellings for this week are below. Please click on the picture to show them more clearly.
Use a dictionary to find the meanings of the words. SNIP spellers – yours are on the left and all end in –ary.
Others – Your words are on the right and involve the prefix inter- which means between or among. Understanding the meaning of words with prefixes can help us to spell them. Try to think about how/why the word has that particular meaning (for example, interfere means getting involved in (or among) something without being invited or needing to). Sometimes putting it in an example sentence can help you understand or explain the meaning more clearly.
Write the definition and/or example sentence in your book.
LO: Can I locate the rainforests on a map?
Our new topic this term was going to be Rainforests. Using maps (online or in an atlas), can you find where the tropical rainforests of the world are and colour them on the blank map? Can you find out what the lines going across the map are? As an extra challenge, can you label the names of the countries where the rainforests are found?
This website will help you:
The second website has a lot more detail about the different areas where the rainforests are located.