Hello my little monsters! I hope you're all well and that you had a great weekend. Last week saw our two bubbles return to school and Mrs Hall and I were so impressed with how sensible and mature they were with the new procedures that have been put in place to keep us all safe. Well done, you are all AMAZING!
There are a few little notices for this week, firstly, our Teams meeting will be on Monday afternoon at 1.30pm! An email should have been sent to you first thing Monday morning! Again Bubble A (or Poppsy Bobble as they've called themselves) won't get an invite as they will access the call through my laptop. I would ask that children do not unmute unless they've been asked to do so or we're having a free chat time, therewas quite a bit of disruption in our Teams call on Thursday which was unfair to the children who were following the instructions. If this continues, unfortunately, I will have to remove anyone who continues to do this from the meeting. (I really hope I don't have to!) I would also ask that parents do not use the chat function, it was actually one of the points in the usage policy that Mrs Bamford sent through to all parents when we began using Teams for keeping in contact.
Secondly, this week is Sports week! As we can't host a whole school sports day due the current situation, we will be doing a virtual sports week, so that it gives the children who are at home a chance to represent their school house and contribute to the house cup. These will be done in a series of daily challenges that are set on the PE page for the children to complete. They will be able to submit their scores through a form that Mr Nicholls has set up through Microsoft forms. This has been emailed to you already. The children who come into school will do the challenges for the day in school with me. The link below will take you to the Daily challenges!
As it is Sports week, the children coming into school should wear comfortable clothes that they can exercise in. The weather also looks like it is going to be better this week so make sure you put on sunscreen before coming to school and bring a hat! Remember your water bottle too, no squash or flavoured water please. Our class has been given the sport of Athletics, our work this week will be based around this. The work will look slightly different and won't be English and Maths per se but will incorporate some of the skills focussed on in these subjects.