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Good morning everyone!


Well done in your live lessons yesterday!

Some of you had some technical difficulties but hopefully the more we practise the more reliable it will become (and the better I will get). Please don't worry if you don't get on because the recordings of our sessions will be on Microsoft Teams under the Posts section.



9:20 / 9:35 Morning Live Lesson 

1:45 / 2:00 Afternoon Feedback Session



You will need a piece of paper/notebook/whiteboard and something to write with.

Activity 1: What's Missing

Activity 2: Write the Word

Activity 3: Using the document below, read the sentences, write them down and highlight or circle the different 'igh' spellings.


Starter: think of different ways you can start a story and write them down. For example, one day. Now decide which one you would use if you were the author of The Rainbow Bear. Would you use 'Once upon a time'? No because we would usually use this to start a fairytale. 

Create a storyboard of The Rainbow Bear.

In total you can choose to do 4 or 6 parts of the story to draw and write about.

You are going to be doing half today and half on Monday, so if you choose to do 4 parts of the story you are doing 2 today and if you are choosing to do 6 parts you are doing 3 today.

Remember these parts need to be in order and the first one needs to be the start of the story and the last one needs to be the end. Draw a picture for each part and write about it underneath. Don't forget to use your story starter for the first one.


See below for an example of a template.


Look at the pictures below and answer the following questions. You can write the answers down or ask someone to scribe what you said.

Which shape is the odd one out is each picture?

What is the same about the shapes? What is different?

Can you find an everyday object to add  to the groups?

How can you test if a shape rolls? What do the shapes that roll have in common?

How can you test if a shape stacks? What do the shapes that stack have in common?


Today we are going to be scientists and we are going to prepare ourselves for next week when we will be studying the weather.

I would like you to make a rain water collector. See image below. You can use whatever you like as long as it collects rain water and you can measure the amount of water (it doesn't have to be a standard measure either).
