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Since the establishment of the partnership in 1966, the Anglican Church in Malawi and in Birmingham has developed a mission relationship, seeking to support each other in the work of God in our own contexts. 


Our church, St Mary Magdalene is involved in the relationship and we have supported them in providing some fundraising and items to be sent to support our friends in Malawi. We have also learnt about the country and the challenges that the people who live there have faced through natural disasters and have compared the daily school life there with that of our own school in our Africa Day and through a service lead by a local vicar who had just returned from an exchange visit.




In 2019 we were able to hold a special assembly with Agnes Mkoko from South Lunzu in Malawi. She was able to share with us and answer questions about life in the area.





We are currently fundraising as a school to twin our toilets with some in Malawi.
