Homework will be set here weekly in Year 4. Times table practice and reading are expected every week. Other homework such as maths and English will be set when needed and it is advised this is completed when possible. It will not be checked in school to give you leeway as to when it is completed and the areas you have time to focus on. Children (or parents) may mark homework themselves to self-assess their understanding and enable them to have a discussion with me in school if they have found something difficult. Homework is for the children. It's about developing ownership of their learning and an understanding that if they want to succeed, they need to put the work in!
This makes it more flexible for you so children are unable to do homework due to a particularly busy week, they can catch up the following week as books will not need to be handed in or checked at school weekly. If there are any homework queries, I am happy to address these in school with the children.
LBQ Homework Help
When homework is set on LBQ, please follow the instructions below:
Follow this link to complete - https://www.lbq.org/Task?study=1
Login code - qd 75 tj cr
Reading - 10 minutes of reading each day
TTRS - complete 12 minutes of garage set on TTRS
Maths - watch the video linked and complete the work as you go
English - LBQ set on adverbials
Maths and English - please check LBQ for this week’s maths and English work
Times table rockstars - please complete 12 minutes set on TTRS
Reading - 10 minutes per day
TTRS - Please complete the times table homework set on Times Table Rockstars
Reading - Please read for 10 minutes each night
Theme - Harvest festival is next week so your main homework this week is to learn those lines and songs see the class page for a pdf of the lines and lyrics to the songs
TTRS - check TTRS for your set homework
Reading - 10 minutes reading per day
Maths - watch the video on flexible partitioning to 10,000 and answer the questions as you go https://vimeo.com/729243649
English - LBQ on commas after fronted adverbials
Times tables - I have set 2 soundchecks to complete on TTRockstars. Please complete these. If you have difficulty finding where this was set complete 2 MTC tests from the link on the class page and record your scores in your reading records.
Reading - please read for at least 10 minutes every day
Maths - please watch the video and complete the tasks as you go https://vimeo.com/729242888
English - please complete the LBQ on coordinating conjunctions. Check above for login details.
Please complete 10 minutes of reading every day.
Times tables - complete a multiplication check at home and record your score in your reading record. Remember - the link is on the first page of the class page!
English - complete the LBQ on revision of previously taught grammar.
Maths - watch the video and work through the questions: https://vimeo.com/452145986