Today your mental health challenge is to listen to some music that makes you smile! Can you and your family compile a list of songs that make you feel happy? Which ones just make you want to dance? Maybe even have a dance off with a sibling or parent!
English: Today we're going to be starting our new English unit. We will be focusing on the non-fiction text type newspaper reports! So for our first session on newspaper reports I'd like you to read the newspaper article linked in your Teams assignment and answer the attached comprehension questions.
Brain break
Maths: Meet me at 10 o'clock for our Maths lesson. Today we will be recapping the short multiplication written method. That sounds complicated doesn't it? Trust me, it's not and you've already done this in Year 3. We will be recapping today to make sure you've got the basics so we can move on to some more challenging multiplication work tomorrow! There is a main task where you will be expected to record your written multiplication (and I really do mean written if possible please! So I should see lots of photos uploaded of your work ) and an extension task involving missing numbers.
Brain break
Watch the episode circled on the tv timetable about sound! You can watch it when it's showing, record it or watch it on iplayer!
Watch the video I have made about the ear. Linked here:
Today I would like you to make a model ear drum, you will need a tube (toilet/kitchen roll), a balloon/rubber/latex glove/cling film, piece of tinfoil and a torch. I have uploaded the instructions within the assignment on teams. I'd like you to also think about which part of your model ear drum relates to the different parts of the ear.