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Gardening and Eco Club

I am pleased to share that Eco Committee will be restarting in Autumn 21. Each class has appointed Eco Committee members which will meet every three weeks with Mrs Bamford. The committee will be aiming to achieve the Eco-School award so their first job will be to complete a review and then an action plan. Please check back over the term to see how the committee are getting on.

The Eco Committee has now been formed and is made up of the following children:


Year 6 = Luke J and Izzy G

Year 5 = Holly P and Toby B

Year 4 = Joshua W and Honeybelle P

Year 3 = Madison P, Florrie B and Max P

Year 2 = Oliver S and Savannah

Year 1 = Isla c and Harrison S


Please see below for the minutes of the meetings



In September 2019 a new club was formed, Gardening and Eco Club run by Mrs Bamford on a Monday night after school. The club was very busy in the Autumn term preparing a rather overgrown piece of land ready for planting. The club also took over a waste piece of land and after a lot of weeding, raking and digging over we scattered grass seed and waited.
In January Gardening Club started again, we had to start by collecting all of the leaves. We worked together to rake and collect the leaves, we used some of them in Forest School and some we have added to our compost bins.

The Eco Committee has also been busy. Each class has an Eco Committee representative who attends Eco Club meetings. The Eco Committee are working hard to achieve an Eco Committee award. The first thing they did was to complete an audit to see what we are doing really well at and what we need to improve.

One of the areas the Eco Committee considered was how we can use less electricity. We went around the school once all the children had gone home to see how many lights and computers had been left on. We were all surprised at the number of lights that were on even though nobody was in the room. The Eco Committee set about making posters to remind staff and children to turn off the lights when leaving a room.

The Eco Committee are now looking at the amount of single use plastic we use in school and have arranged to speak to the kitchen staff to see how we can limit the amount of single use plastic.
