Don’t worry about adding a new LO for today. Just carry on with your story. Hopefully by the end of the day you will have been able to finish the last paragraphs. After each paragraph, try to read it back with a really critical eye. Are all the capital letters correctly written? Is each sentence punctuated carefully? Remember, you are almost 2/3 of the way towards year 5! Make those stories great!
LO - Can I create a word-search?
Create a word-search using your spelling words.
LO - Can I use positive co-ordinates?
I think you’ll quite enjoy the maths work today. It has been set on mymaths. We haven’t looked at co-ordinates for a little while but we did work on some graphs a couple of weeks ago when we used a similar set of skills. When you work on co-ordinates you need to remember that the first number is the x axis number and the second is the y axis number.
If you finish this work quickly, I have also set some times table booster activities. You can revisit these at any time.
Mr Fidler has very kindly added some RE tasks based upon the story of ‘The Last Supper’. The staff have recorded a video performance of the story which might help you to answer some of the questions Mr Fidler has posed. You’ll find the videos (and questions) in the RE folder shown in the picture below. The work does not have to be written down.
LO - Can I collect and display data?
Try to find a window in your house where you can see a road. You are going to be collecting data about the things you see travelling along the road. The first thing you’ll need to do is create a tally chart where you can note down the things you see. It might look something like this.
What you saw | How many |
Car | lll |
Van | l |
Bike | llll |
You’ll need to add a new row every time you see something different. You can spend 20 minutes recording your data and then you should use your data to draw a bar chart about your findings. Remember to label the axis of your chart and give the whole chart a title.
Did anything you spot surprise you?