1. Warm up with some practise of your times tables or number bonds. (See the links on the useful documents part of the working from home section.)
2. Watch the Lesson 1 video on the link below about unit and non-unit fractions, which continues from what we were learning last week.
3. Write the answers to the questions below in your exercise book. Where it asks you to draw, you can either draw it out or simply write what you would have done (e.g. shade in 1 rectangle)
Please look at your spelling words for Week 1 (Groups 1,2 and 3).
Get used to the words by taking each spelling and writing each one as a pyramid.
e.g. grate = g
We have started to look at the entertainment that Romans enjoyed. Gladiators were an important part of Ancient Rome and the entertainment of the people. What can you find out about gladiators? You can use some of the links below to help you. Write down some facts in your exercise book. Here are some possible questions:
- How did they become gladiators?
- How did they train?
- What types of gladiators were there?
- Where did they fight?
- What happened at the end of a fight?
- How did they finish their life as a gladiator?