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RE Task



This week's RE task is our last 'lesson' in the group about prayer.


We have looked at what we think prayer is and explored how Muslims and Hindus might pray and what is the same or different about the ways different people pray.


I have included some reminders for you below.

Most hospitals have a prayer room where people of different world faiths and none can go to pray or just have quiet time. You might be aware that a new hospital has been built at the NEC. I would like you to design a prayer room for the new Nightingale Hospital that has been built at the NEC.


People of different faiths will need different things from a prayer room and I would like you to use your knowledge about the 3 faiths we have studied. Draw a picture of the prayer room you have designed and label some of the features.


Some things to think about:

- Do you want different sections to the room?

- What symbols might you need?

- What items would be useful?

- Do any parts need to face in a certain direction?


