Good morning lovelies! I hope you're all ok and things are going fine with the home learning. I have scheduled teams meetings for tomorrow afternoon and an email should have been sent to your parents with your time. Look forward to seeing you! 
Thursday, 1.00 pm |
Thursday 1.45 pm |
Thursday 2.30 pm |
Thomas |
Luca |
Elsa |
Bodhi |
Franklin |
Bella |
Amelia J |
Toby C |
Grace |
Edward |
George |
Eliza |
Ayva |
Dolly |
Emily |
Madison |
Olivia |
Zach |
Florrie |
Toby F |
Max |
Dawson |
Maddie |
Preston |
Mason |
Toby DC |
Alice |
Amelia C |
Imogen |
' Brighter Day Tomorrow ' from Out of the Ark Music @ Home (Words on Screen Lyric Video)
' Brighter Day Tomorrow ' - Out of the Ark Music @ Home This aspirational track addresses the issue of impacting tomorrow by the simple choices we make today...
Maths: Continuing our fractions work, we're going to be finding a half of a shape again, but you'll have more shapes to use! There are two different levels of challenge in the document below, choose the one that is right for you!