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Monday 11th May 2020


Can I convert units of measure?


It would be useful to have a calendar (paper or online) for today’s Maths.

Do you know these important time facts?

1 week = 7 days

1 month = 28, 29, 30 or 31 days (depending on the month!)

1 year = 12 months

This poem and knuckle method are also useful.  For the method using your knuckles, start with January on the outer knuckle of your left hand (by your little finger), work towards your index finger then jump across on to your index finger knuckle of your right hand (basically, miss out the thumbs!).  Months which land on the knuckles have 31 days, months which land in the gaps have less than 31 days.

Using your calendar, try to answer these questions:

When is your birthday?  Can you find out how many days it is until your birthday?

How many months is it until your birthday? (It may be an answer in months and days)

How many years is it until you are 11?  How many whole years, extra months and extra days?


Now have a look at the MyMaths Yr 4 lesson called Time Conversions 1 (see picture below).  Work through the lesson then complete the Time Conversions 1 homework task which I have set.



Log on to mymaths just using the first login (the general school username/password, not your individual second username/password).  This brings you to the main screen.  On the left hand side, click Measurement on the library menu, then scroll down to the Y4 lesson called Time Conversions 1. 

You can then click on the lesson activity which will open in a new tab.  Using the numbers at the side and the Next button (bottom right), work through the lesson. 



If you’d like some extra reasoning and problem solving practice or can’t access the MyMaths for any reason, I have attached a couple of questions in a Word doc below.



Can I use my spellings in sentences?


Our next prefix is “ex-“ meaning “out”.  Use a dictionary to find the meaning of your spelling words then either write them in sentences or create an ex- poster with pictures which show the meanings.


SNIP spellers, your words are based on the roots “struct” and “uni” so you could split your page in half and do pictures for each word to help show their meanings.

Theme/English/Art/Mental Health

Watch the Under The Canopy video.  While watching, you can use the arrows in the top left hand corner to turn the view and look around more.  Try to answer the following questions about the video.

  1. Watch the video as far as 1 minute 40 seconds.  What is your first impression of what it would be like to be in the rainforest?  What makes you think that?


Now watch the rest of the video.

    2. What do you notice about the different sort of plants you can see? How are they different from each other?

    3. Which two adjectives does Kamanja use for what people might think the rainforest is like?  What reasons does he give?

    4. There are very few roads in the rainforest.  How do people get around?

    5. Can you think of at least 3 adjectives, similes, powerful verbs or descriptive phrases to describe the birds leaving the              cave?


Having watched to the end of the video, think of at least 3 descriptive phrases you would use to describe the rainforest.
Now look at the paintings by Henri Rousseau, a French artist.  He never travelled to the rainforest but talked to French soldiers who had spent time there.  He also based his paintings of animals on what he had seen in books and at the Botanical Gardens in Paris.  He claimed to have invented a new genre of portrait landscape, which he achieved by starting a painting with a view such as the jungle or rainforest, and then depicting a person or animal in the foreground. Can you see this on his paintings?  How has he shown that many of the trees are very tall?

Creative activities are a good way of helping us with our mental health.  Last week, I worked on a sewing project, creating a Union Jack flag for VE Day which I found was a great distraction and really good to focus on.  Many people use art as a way of doing this. 


Can you produce a picture of the rainforest, inspired by Henri Rousseau but also thinking about what you learnt from the video?  Try to show the landscape and variety of plants as well as putting some animals or people in the foreground.  Think about what the animals or people might be doing.  You can paint or use pastels or coloured pencils, whatever you have at home.  If you would prefer, I have found a mindfulness colouring rainforest picture you could use.  This picture will be really useful for helping with some of your other learning this week.  Try to take some time to sit quietly and just focus on creating your picture.
