What's happening today?
Following our live lesson, click the link to watch a short video to recap the main parts of our discussion this morning.
Today I would like you to find in and around your house and garden 7 different objects for each of the following categories:
Things that are alive
Things that were once alive/Dead
Things that have never been alive.
When choosing your objects things carefully about the 7 signs of living things from this mornings online lesson.
You can choose to create a list, a poster, take photographs, draw or however you think best to present your findings! If you would find it difficult to get outside today, there is worksheet activity below.
Be Ready for 2.00pm
Don't forget at 2.00pm to meet me back online to meet my mystery object. Can you ask some scientific questions to find out if my object is alive?
Think about the 7 signs of life - this should help you think of some good scientific questions to ask.
E.g. Can your object move?
Today we are going back to the Isle of Struay and Katie Morag. Remember these stories are based on the real life Scottish Island of Coll. Today the story is about something new that is coming to the island. Some people are looking forward to it and others are not.
As we have found out in our lessons, living on a small island is very different to living on the mainland in a large city or town. Often people don't want things to happen that will change their island life or traditions.
Look at these view points from the different people on the island. Can you see some people like the idea of the new pier because it will bring them new opportunities. Others are not so sure and worried that the new pier will mean lots of unwanted changes and visitors.
Today I would like you to think about all the positive and negative points about the new pier being built.
You will need to use your knowledge of the story and carefully read the view points of islanders.
Draw a table in your books like this. Complete the table with your ideas.
Today you will need a large space to explore our dance and drama task. It's great fun and if you have any brothers and sisters at home or even Mummy and Daddy they might like to join in too. At times during the dance and drama lesson it asks you to get into groups or go to your teacher so at these times you can work on your own or with a family member and just listen carefully to the next instruction.
Don't forget that Dance is a P.E activity so don't forget to log it on the Tokyo challenge page!
Click on the audio file below to get started.