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Thursday 26th March

RE and Reflection: Click on the link on Week 1's main page to watch this week's Collective Worship.

English: Write a postcard to Sunny from his family whilst he is travelling.  How do they feel about him travelling? Do they want him to come back? Remember your capital letters and full stops.


Maths:  Practice counting in fives.  Follow the link:


Count by 5's | Exercise and Count By 5 | Count to 100 | Counting Songs | Jack Hartmann

It's easy to count by 5! My video, Exercise and Count by 5's is a classroom hit across the world. It's cool Latin beat makes it easy to exercise and count by...

Once you've practiced counting in fives, draw around your hands and make a fives number line.

If you fancy a challenge, have a go at this:



Art:  Create an observational drawing of some daffodils.