Friday 27th March
I'd like you to have a go at doing a short piece of writing today based on "Medusa and the quest of Perseus"
I don't mind what you write as long as you get those creative juices flowing! You might choose to do a diary entry as Perseus or rewrite a shorter version of the myth. Or you might choose to write a newspaper article about Perseus slaying the evil monster Medusa. If you're feeling especially creative, perhaps you'd like to turn the myth into a poem?
I don't mind what you choose so have a think and then go for it!
You can write it by hand into your book or type it up.
I've uploaded a WAGOLL (what a good one looks like) for the diary entry and the story. In the story, I've highlighted all of the Year 5 grammar in red like I normally do when we look at a WAGOLL to give you some idea of what you might try to include. The diary entry has actually been written by another child so will hopefully give you lots of ideas too.
Have fun!
Your letter is A
Can you think of 3 examples of words for each word class that begin with the letter A?
Noun (person, place, thing)
Proper noun (the name of the person, place or thing)
Verb (a doing word)
Adjective (describes a noun)
Adverb (describes how a verb is done)
Preposition (a word that shows direction or place)
Conjunction (a word that joins two clauses)
We are thinking about the place value of decimal numbers again today.
We have looked at tenths, hundredths and now we are looking at thousandths!
So far we've learnt that:
a tenth = 1/10 = 0.1
a hundredth =1/100 = 0.01
Now you will learn that
a thousandth = 1/1000 = 0.001
So in the number 3.729, there are 7 tenths (7/10 or 0.7) 2 hundredths (2/100 or 0.02) and 9 thousandths (9/1000 or 0.009)
We have reached the end of our theme "It's all Greek to me!"
I've thoroughly enjoyed teaching you about everything Greek this term and you've impressed me with your enthusiasm and hard work. The question is... how much can you remember?
I've uploaded a quiz, similar to the one you did about the Vikings at the end of that topic.
You can either print it off and write on the sheet before sticking it in your book or you can write the question in your book and then answer underneath.
Please try to answer the questions from memory! At the end of the quiz, you can research anything you weren't sure of and add the information in a different coloured pen. This will help me to see what you're confident with and what we might need more practise in.
Have fun!
Mrs Cutler has found some interesting resources from Jigsaw for you to look at while you're working from home. They link to the work we did on dreams and goals. There is a story to watch, some points to reflect on, tasks to do and even some calm me time for you to do at home. Perhaps you could teach your parents how to do it too!
Follow the link below to see the videos and resources:
Thursday 26th March
After reading the Greek myth "Medusa and the quest of Perseus" yesterday, I would like you to answer some comprehension questions on the myth today to make sure that you've understood it.
There are 3 different, shorter versions of the myth and comprehension questions below. Please choose a chilli, read through the story and then find the questions underneath.
If you have a printer, you may print the sheet and write on it before sticking it into your book (I hope you're all making sure there are no peely corners!) If you don't have a printer, then write the question into your book and answer it underneath.
For your grammar task today, I'd like you to think about word classes, specifically nouns, adjectives, adverbs and verbs.
Click on the link below to find a sorting game.
Can you sort the words into the correct word class?
We are continuing with our learning from yesterday on turning decimal numbers into fractions.
If you're not feeling very confident, chilli 1 is a good consolidation task. If you felt confident yesterday, you might like to try chilli 2 and apply your learning to sorting decimal numbers using Venn diagrams. If you were very confident, try chilli 3 - it's a definite challenge and should get your brains working!
Let me know how you got on!
Yesterday, you should have found out about the theatre in Ancient Greece.
Today, I'd like you to continue this learning by designing a mask that could have been used in the theatre in Ancient Greek times. You can choose whether to design a mask for a tragedy or comedy or both!
I've uploaded some pictures as inspiration. I've also uploaded a guide to making a mask in case it helps but I'm not expecting you to make a mask unless you'd like to - the main thing is getting your design down on paper!
Have fun and get creative - remember, we all have our own style when it comes to artwork so just do your best and I know it will be great!
RE - open the book
As we are not in school for collective worship this week, we have recorded a special Open The Book story for you all to see and think about as we lead up to Easter. It is the story of an important meal that Jesus shared with his friends.
If you click on the link below, it will take you to the page so you can see the videos... enjoy!Reflections
When you've watched the Open the Book see if you can answer these questions:
1) What food and drink did Jesus ask his friends to remember him with?
2) What is special about sharing a meal with other people?
3) Why should we thank God when we eat our food?
4) What do Christians do in church to remember this special meal?
Wednesday 25th March
Over the next few days we will be looking at the Greek myth "Medusa and the quest of Perseus"
Today, I would like you to read the myth, which is on the PowerPoint below. It's quite long so make sure you're somewhere comfortable before you start reading!
When you've finished, I'd like you to create a story map in your book to help you remember what happened.
Remember, you only need to include the main points. We've done these before but I've uploaded an example story map to remind you what they look like.
The wordsearch for this week's spellings is below. If you have a printer, you can print it and stick it in your book to complete. If you don't have a printer, perhaps you could design your own wordsearch for this week's spellings instead? Just draw out a grid in your book, write your spelling words in horizontally, vertically and diagonally and then add lots of random letters! Maybe someone at home would like to do it when you've finished?
Yesterday, we thought about decimal numbers, specifically tenths and hundredths.
Today, we're thinking about how we write decimal numbers as equivalent fractions.
Have a look at the PowerPoint introduction below, which will explain in more detail how we do this and then choose a chilli.
Today, I'd like you to do some research on the theatre in Ancient Greece. The theatre was a huge part of the Ancient Greek culture and many of the traditions that they started are still used in theatres today.
It is up to you how you present your learning. You may want to write a paragraph, create a mind map, design a poster, produce a leaflet... whatever you fancy! Just make sure that you include key facts to teach your reader.
I've put links to some websites below to help with your research. Have fun!
Tuesday 24th March
After reading your last piece of writing, I think we need to do a little more work on apostrophes.
Remember - we use them for contraction (when two words are shortened into one e.g. should not = shouldn't) and for possession (when something belongs to someone e.g. Miss Cutler's chocolate)
We never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER (!) use them for plurals (more than one of something!)
Look at the PowerPoint introduction below and then choose a chilli. Write your sentences into your book.
Look at the A4 poster to see your spellings (the ones that you practised yesterday)
Then you can either print out the handwriting sheet to complete and stick in your book OR do a line of each word in your book in your neatest cursive handwriting.
We are going to begin looking at decimal numbers and how they relate to fractions.
Just like fractions, tenths and hundredths in decimal numbers are part of a whole.
So the number 0.38 is part of a whole
and therefore the number 5.38
is 5 wholes and 0.38 of another whole.
Today we are focusing on tenths and hundredths.
This place value grid shows you where you find tenths and hundredths in a number:
We're going to explore decimal numbers by partitioning.
E.g. 672 = 600 + 70 + 2
but 672.81 = 600 + 70 + 2 + 0.8 + 0.01
Choose a chilli below:
To consolidate our Spanish learning from last week and make sure that you have the vocabulary at home, we are going to continue thinking about the body.
Your task is to either print a picture of a person/skeleton and stick it into your book OR if you don't have a printer, you could draw a picture of a body/skeleton into your book (or stick in a photograph of you!)
You then need to label these body parts in Spanish on your picture:
head, hair, face, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, fingers, back, stomach, waist, legs, knees, feet, toes, body
I'm hoping that you can remember some of the vocabulary from our lessons last week but if you're struggling, these translation websites are good:
Monday 23rd March
We are continuing with our learning on using commas correctly. Remember, we talked about using commas for:
1. List sentences
2. 2A sentences (in between two adjectives)
3. After fronted adverbials
4. After subordinate clauses (at the beginning of the sentence)
5. Relative clauses
6. Parenthesis
7. Speech (punctuation open, punctuation close)
8. Dates and places
Write the sentences (from the document below) into your book and add commas in the correct places.
E.g. While she jogged, she listened to music.
If you'd like a challenge, you can also write the reason you've used commas in brackets after the sentence.
E.g. While she jogged, she listened to music. (Comma after a subordinate clause)
Look at the PowerPoint below. It will introduce this week's spellings. Can you practise them by writing sentences OR doing spelling pyramids OR using rainbow writing OR doing squiggle spellings?
We've done a lot of work on fractions over the last few weeks. Before we move on, I want you to revise and revisit your learning so far.
Open the document below and practise comparing fractions, adding and subtracting fractions, multiplying fractions and finding fractions of amounts!
Take it slow, think it through and read my tips at the top of the page for help!
Last week, we learnt about the different Greek Gods and you made some fantastic fact files!
Today, I've got a challenge for you! Can you complete a family tree to show which Gods are related and how?
Read through the information first and then choose a family tree to complete. There is an easier one, where you can just add the names of the Gods and a trickier one, which requires a little more thought to complete. It's your choice.
If you can print off the page, then you can write on the sheet and stick it into your book. If you don't have a printer, that's no problem. Just draw the family tree (or your own version of it) into your book and complete it :)