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Friday 5th June



Today's task: Write cohesive paragraphs from notes.


Like yesterday, use your notes to draft the last paragraphs for your autobiography. Make sure you read over and check your work and make amendments where necessary.


Don't forget you can look at the WAGOLL for an example.



Finding all the possibilities.


This takes time and works best if you work strategically. It takes a lot of patience and involves you trying a number of different ways until you find the solution.

Please download the sheet below to find out what your challenges are for today. 

** Remember your mission is to find ALL the different possibilities.


Good Luck!



Today's task is: Layered self portraits.


1. Take a head and shoulders photograph of yourself.


2. Print off and draw around the outline with a marker pen.

If you can't print you picture, you could carefully place a piece of paper on the computer screen and gently, with pencil first, draw around the main outline of your face (see picture examples below).


3. Flip over paper and then colour in with the medium of your choice.
