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Wednesday 3rd June 2020



LO: Can I recognise types of angle?


When we identify and measure angles, we are thinking about the size of the space between two straight lines where they meet at a point – how much we turn to get from one line to the other.  You will have spotted right angles in Year 3.  Watch the video to find out about the special names for other types of angle.


In Year 4, we just have to be able to recognise and compare angles.  (In Year 5, you will learn to use something called a protractor to measure their actual size.)


You now have a choice of one, some or all of these activities:

  1. Using chalk on the pavement, sticks in the garden or pencil and paper, try drawing different size acute and obtuse angles (remember to use straight lines and that you don’t have to know the actual measured size, just whether it is smaller or larger than a right angle (90°).


  1. Look at an analogue clock.  At 3 o’clock, the hands would show a right angle (90°). 

At what times would the hands show acute angles? 

At what times would they show obtuse angles?

If at 3 o’clock, the angle is 90°, what size angle would it be at 1 o’clock, 2 o’clock etc. – it is possible to work this out without measuring with a protractor – can you find a way?

If at 3 o’clock, the angle is 90°, would that also be true at half past 3? Why/why not?


  1. Have a go at completing the activities on the PPT.


If you would like some extra reasoning and problem solving activities, I have included a Word document.

Identify types of angle

Still image for this video


LO: Can I recognise –s as plural or possessive?


For today’s activity, you will need to remember the words singular (meaning one, eg. dog) and plural (meaning more than one, eg. dogs).  The word possessive means something belongs to someone; you will have learnt about using an apostrophe to show this, eg. Miss Cottrell’s laptop, Tommy’s football.


Please work through the PPT, completing as many of the activities as you can.  Some of them can be completed by discussing what is on the screen, others involve writing sentences into your book.  On the silly sentences activity, it says the sentences have to make sense – this means grammatical sense, they can still be silly!  For example, “Sarah’s pencil swam across the oceans.” makes grammatical sense, even though it would never happen in real life…..or would it?!


LO: Can I recognise that living things can be grouped in variety of ways?


Firstly, please have a look at the knowledge organizer for our new Science topic, called Living Things and Their Habitats.


Today, I’d like you to focus on the habitat of your own garden (or a nearby outdoor space if you don’t have a garden).  I’d like you to collect images of plants and animals that you find in your garden/outdoor space.  You could take photos, draw them or go out and have a look then come in a find pictures of them online. 


Once you’ve got the images (or words would do), can you group them?  How did you decide on your groupings?  Can you group them in a different way?  (Think about what is similar or different about them, features that they have, what their specific habitat/home is….)


Extension:  How does your garden/outdoor space change with the seasons?  If we did this activity in winter, how would what you would see be different?

