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Lunch Menus

School Lunches

What we offer

School meals are a hugely important element of educational attainment and wellbeing. We all know that we feel better after a meal and our children are no different.

We have spent considerable time sourcing a catering company that matches our expectations and needs and consistently delivers on these requirements.

Our school meals are freshly prepared in our own kitchen here at Tanworth. 


We are delighted that the Government's free school meal policy for Year 1 and 2* has had such a positive impact on pupil take up however we are keen to see this continued throughout their time with us and to that end are constantly looking to evolve and improve our offering.

For added convenience all meals can be ordered on a daily basis at morning registration.

Combined with the convenience of parentpay any pupil, any day has access to superbly nutritional meal options.



Introducing our New School Caterer - Miquill

Miquill Lunch Menu from 4th November 2024

From 1st September 2024 the cost of a school meal will be £2.75 for school children. 

Please keep your ParentPay account in credit at all times as this enables us to keep costs low.

Did you know?

About our Kitchen:
  • 85% of our meals are homecooked, from scratch, if we say tomato puree it's not come out of a bottle!
  • All our meat is red tractor assured
  • Wherever possible our food is locally sourced
  • Our eggs, potatoes, minced beef and much more is organically sourced
  • We use wholemeal flour in our dishes and cocoa in our chocolate recipes to provide delicious meals with a healthy twist
  • We offer bespoke menus for allergy sufferers, gluten free diets and rest assured our kitchen is a nut free environment

Free School Meals

These are available to children who attend School and whose parent/guardian claim a qualifying benefit such as Income Support, Income-Based Job Seekers Allowance, Income-Related Employment Support Allowance, certain Child Tax Credits, the guarantee element of the State Pension Credit and families who receive support under part IV of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999.

If you are in receipt of any of the above benefits you will need to apply as per below as this is a vital source of additional income for the school in the form of Pupil Premium which is extra funding that the School receives in order to support your child.

To apply please call 01926 359 189 or apply online at

* Since September 2014 all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 qualify for a Free School Meal everyday. Under this government initiative there is no charge for Infant School lunches.