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Hello my lovelies!  As a school, we have been discussing your home learning and revising the workload that will be sent home to you.  We learnt a lot about this when our bubble was closed and how much you were being asked to complete.  From today onwards the home learning will be set as follows:


1 English (this could be a Grammar, Spelling, Guided Reading or normal English)

1 Maths

1 Theme (Science, History, Geography, RE, Spanish etc)


You will have 1 live lesson with myself, this will take place on Teams at 10:00 am every day (I have sent you an invite!).  The work set from this live lesson is the main piece of work that has to be concentrated on and sent to me.  We will meet again in the afternoon at 2:30 pm where we can go over any issues or problems that have arisen from the morning's lesson and I can feedback about the work you have sent to me. 


All work will be set and should be submitted via Teams.


The only thing that will be put on the class page is a timetable for the day, what we're doing and where to find it on Teams.


Look forward to seeing you in a little bit!

Mrs H 




1. English: Today is a SPAG activity.  There are two levels of challenge for you to choose from.  This is a recap activity of lots of different things that we have learnt. We have covered everything on the sheet at some point in the Autumn term and you should be able to complete this on your own.  The sheet does not need to be printed out you can complete it by putting:

1. Answer

2. Answer etc.

I will also upload the answers for you to check your work AFTER you have completed it.


Brain break


2. Meet me at 10:00 am - Maths, meet me on Teams so I can go through the expectations and the new home learning work we will be doing.  We will be doing some times table work.


Brain break (Joe Wicks is doing his daily PE sessions again, maybe you could do this?)


2 continued. Complete the mini task I have set for you and find the different features on Teams where everything will be saved!  Let me know how you get on at our afternoon call!


Brain break


3. Finish your History work from yesterday and upload it to Teams.


Brain break


2:30 - 2:45 pm: Meet me on Teams to chat about your day and how you got on with your tasks.




