Welcome Back Everybody!
I hope you all had a lovely half term and managed to make the most of the fantastic weather. It looks like it is going to be warm again this week so if you are out in the garden make sure to put some sun cream on and a sunhat too. My dog has been really enjoying the weather but I am thinking of getting her a paddling pool because she really gets hot!
You might have heard on the news or heard from your parents that some children are back to school this week. At our school this week we have some children from the Reception class back and some from Year 6. I will still be here setting your work but I am in school everyday now helping organise the school to make it a happy and safe place. I will still be able to answer your emails and post your pictures onto our class pages but it might take me a bit longer to reply.
Remember I am still your class teacher, so you are my most important job and I am still here for you!
Tuesday 2nd June 2020
Because this week is a shorter week we are going to refresh our brain with a recap of the four main maths operations. We will have a day on multiplication, a day on division, a day on addition and a day on subtraction.
Today we are going to brush up our skills of multiplication.
Lets recap, we have learnt that sets of equal groups can be added together to create a total. This is called repeated addition.
This method should be familiar to you. Can you complete the activity below? I would like you all to do task 1 then you can choose to complete the further activities and the challenge if you would like.
Below is a picture that I would like you to look at very carefully.
Today I would like you to write a list of ten different things you can see in the picture then think about the following questions.
Where do you think this story is set?
This picture is the first page in a story book. What might the story be called?
How many people live in the village and what are their jobs?
How many different animals can you see? What are they doing?
Can you see the tiger cub? Where has he come from?
Topic/Theme - Geography
Well it's a new half term now, your final one in Year 2 and we are going to start a new theme. This half term we are going to be learning about...
Today I would like you to find out where India is in the world. If you have an atlas or a world map see if you can find it. If not you will have to search online, ask your parents for help.
Below is a map of India. Today I would like you to;
Display your answers around the map below.