Good morning children!
9:20 / 9:35 - Morning Phonics Live Lesson
1:45 / 2:00 - Afternoon Feedback Session
You will need a piece of paper/notebook/whiteboard and something to write with.
Phase 5 - 'ear' written as 'eer'
Activity 1: Tricky Word Song
Activity 2: Dragons Den
Activity 3: Go on a sound hunt looking for 'eer' words and write them down. If you find 'ear' or 'ere' words too, you can also write them down.
Please listen to the story 'Meerkat Mail' below and retell it at the end.
Complete the questions below.
Mr Monaghan is thinking of a new number.
It is greater than 30 and less than 37.
What number might he be thinking of now?
I want to make sure we are keeping up with our daily physical activities.
I know a lot of you have been playing in the snow over the last few days, which is very fun but it's also very good for our bodies.
I have put some videos below for you to try.
I know you like the Lazy Town one!
Don't forget about our Travel to Tokyo challenge set by Mr Nicholls before Christmas.
Use the following website to log your physical activities and help Year 1 win a trophy!
To log your activity:
Click the link below. Click 'Families'. Click 'Log Activity'. Type in 'B94' and our school will appear. Select our team 'Year 1' and answer the questions.