Good Morning Year 3. The last day of the Spring Term and the day we would normally be having our Easter Bonnet Parade and service in the church. If you have made or have an Easter bonnet, then please post a picture on the class blog or school Facebook page!
I will also put up a blog this morning for Accelerated Reader. We have a certificate for someone who has reached half a million words in the class and others who have passed some key milestones. I wonder who they are?
Today I want you to focus on your times tables.
First of all, spend some time practising the ones that you struggle with most. Why not use some of the resources below to help you practise? Then, I want you to have a go at a test. You have a copy in your packs, so use that one. If you've already used it and have a printer, I've put a copy of them below.
Today's English is a reading comprehension. It is a mixture of English and History really, as it is about Boudicca, who you need to know about at the end of our Roman topic! Choose your chilli level for the comprehension. 1 star is 1 chilli, 2 stars is 2 chilli and 3 stars is 3 chilli! The answers are on there, so you can check afterwards, but please don't cheat!
Shakespeare Week/ Art
A number of the classes are having a go at this today after Miss Evens found the resource, so don't be surprised if a brother or sister is doing it too!
You are going to create a piece of Shakespeare inspired Pop Art in the style of Andy Warhol. First, have a look at this information and examples of his work to find out what he did and the style he is famous for.
Now use the template below and use felt tips, pencils, paint or chalks - whatever you have at home. Remember to make each image different! If you can't print the template then have a go at sketching a picture of Shakespeare and colour in vivid colours - just like Andy Warhol. Don't forget to take a picture and share it on the blog!
Mrs Cutler has given you the task of reading and completing the activities for story 2 on the Jigsaw working from home website. It is important that we are taking care of ourselves and still getting the time and chance to stop and think.
Have a lovely holiday and Happy Easter. If you are short of things to do there are Easter activities you can have a go at on the web page where you found the Open the Book and Podcast or try some of the general activities from our class web page.