Monday 11th May 2020
Well done Joshua and Zachary!
This week is Mental Health Awareness Week so in our topic/theme lessons we will be doing lots of activities to raise awareness about the importance of looking after your own and other peoples' mental health.
This week we are going to carry on with our work on subtraction. How did you get on with the method we look at last week? Remember we looked at subtracting on a number line, using our partitioning skills to first subtract the tens and then the ones. I said that this method works really well if the numbers in your calculation are far apart meaning there is a big difference between them.
E.g. 83 - 26 =
The numbers 26 and 83 are quite a long way from each other so the counting back method works well!
Today we are going to practise a different method to use when working out a subtraction calculation. It can sometimes confuse people because you count up (add) to find the difference between the numbers. So although we are adding up we are using the method to answer a subtraction calculation.
This method is often called 'The shopkeeper Method' because shopkeepers would use this method to count up when finding a costumers change.
It is a good mental strategy, I often use this in my head when I am working out subtraction calculations.
Take a look at this calculation. 76 - 69 = The numbers 69 and 76 are close to each other we could use last weeks method but we would be jumping back 6 tens and then 9 ones. It would take a long time, I might make a mistake and there is a better, more efficient way.
First I am going to put the number I am subtracting (69) on the numberline. Because I am counting up today and it is the smaller number I am going to put it on the left of the number line.
Then I jump up to the next nearest multiple of ten - 70
Now I need to keep counting until I reach my start number. The number I am taking away from. You might be able to do that in one jump because you know 70 + 6 = 76 or you might need to count up in ones shown below.
To find your answer you then need to look at your number line that you have drawn. How many steps have you had to jump on to reach the starting number? What is the total number of these steps? This will tell you the difference between the two numbers and is the answer to your calculation.
If that looks and sounds a bit tricky it is, so don't worry! Keep practising. If you really can not work it out you can just count up in ones. Like the diagram below shows but be really carefully with your counting and make sure you know which number you are counting to and therefore stopping at.
Today I would like you to use this method to tackle the calculations below.
Today we are coming back to our work on Wolves. - Read back the facts that you picked out and recorded on Tuesday.
Today I would like you to continue your research by watching the videos below. Record in a brainstorm anything new that you find out. GOOD LUCK!
Mental Health Awareness Activity 1
Today I'd like you to think about the people you live with, I know you have been spending a lot of time with them recently.
Step 1
Draw a picture of one of the people you live with. Around the picture choose and write 5 things you like or love about them.
Repeat this for everybody you live with.
Step 2
Ask people in your house to draw a picture of you and choose and write 5 things they like or love about you around the picture. Ask them not to show you just yet!
Step 3
Now I'd like you to draw picture of yourself and choose 5 things you like or love about yourself.
Step 4
Share your drawings and words with your family and listen to the words they chose about you.
Now that you have finished think about Step 1 and Step 3, which one was harder?
Most people who complete this task find step 3 the hardest.
Why do you think it is easier to think of positive things about other people than yourself?
Remember how wonderful you are, ask somebody in your house read out of the wonderful reasons they like and love you.
When they read them say, 'Thank you, I agree' and smile!