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Thursday 23rd April 2020

Before you start.....

Before you start your learning today, just to let you know there are two new items for you to listen to on the "Our Faith and SIAMS" page of the website:  a song from Mr Linsey and an assembly podcast from Miss Evens.

Please click on the songs or podcasts sections to find them.


LO: Can I express ¼, ½ and ¾ as decimals?


For today’s Maths learning, log on to mymaths just using the first login (the general school username/password, not your individual second username/password).  This brings you to the main screen.  On the left hand side, click Number on the library menu, then select Fractions on the number menu (now in the middle of the screen) and scroll down to the Y4 lesson called Fraction and Decimal Equivalents. (see screenshot below!)


You can then click on the lesson activity which will open in a new tab.  Using the numbers at the side and the Next button (bottom right), work through the lesson.  If you have time, please complete the online homework afterwards, you will need your individual login for that.


LO: Can I explore a spelling pattern?


Create an “inter-“ poster for your spelling words with pictures to help you remember the meaning of each word.  Can you find any others with the prefix inter- that you can add to your poster? 


SNIP spellers – create an –ary poster, are there any other words ending in –ary you can find?


LO: Can I plan a descriptive poem?


Thinking back to Kit Wright’s original poem, each verse contains some related items.  For example, the first verse has some items linked to travel and the verse about the joke of an uncle and the smile of a baby are linked to humans.  Can you organise your items into groups?  Maybe some are toys, some are to do with your hobbies, some are to do with people in your life…..  There is no right or wrong with this, but try to plan out your poem by grouping/listing the items.



Today we are going to give you access to our P.S.H.E. resource that we use at school called "Jigsaw". You can do this task with your whole family if you would like to. Below is a link that will take you to an online audio story with some half time questions and follow up activities. Today's focus is all about your hopes and dreams. Your parents might talk to you about their hopes and dreams when they were younger and today. You can share yours too!  Remember everyone will have different hopes and dreams and these will change as you change and grow. Today's story is called Fowley's wings.




If you are asked for a password the password is: Home
