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Week 2 wc 30.03.20



LO - Can I write questions about a famous author?


This week is Shakespeare week! I will be trying to link as much work as possible to the great man himself. For today you need to watch the video I have added below. Once you have watched it, you need to write questions about William Shakespeare. When you have written around 8 questions (more if you wish) you can add your best one to the blog for the other children. Feel free to answer any of the questions that have been added to the blog.



The story of William Shakespeare

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.



LO - Can I write neatly?


Carefully write this passage into your books. As neat as possible please.


William Shakespeare (1564–1616) was an English playwright, actor and poet, and is widely regarded as the greatest English writer of all time. His plays have been translated into more than 100 languages and continue to be performed around the world to this day. He also introduced nearly 3,000 words to the English language. Find out more about this talented man who continues to influence our lives over 400 years after his death.


If you didn’t on Friday, please spend 5 minutes completing your times table tests. There were three in the pack I gave you.


LO - Can I use time in timetables?


I have added a few more time activities to mymaths for today. One of the areas of learning is timetables (what you might read to catch a bus (if you were able to leave the house)). Timetables are quite tricky because they are very often written using the 24 hour clock.


A quick low-down on the 24 hour clock...


If you are using a 24 hour clock, any time after 12.59 in the afternoon will have an hour worth 13 or more. To know which hour you are looking at, if it is 13 or more, subtract 12 and you’ll know what time it is. EG 15.30 in the 24 hour clock would be 3.30pm (15 subtract 12 = 3), as you’ve had to subtract 12 you know you will be in the afternoon or evening. 

This picture may help you...



Try your best. 

Theme / Art


LO - Can I create a Shakespearean puppet show?


To compete the lesson today, you need to watch the video clip of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ below, your parent may need to help you copy and paste the link (the normal way of adding videos would work with this one).


The video shows the story of Romeo and Juliet. When you have watched the video and you are familiar with the story you are going to create two cardboard puppets (hopefully you will have an empty box in the recycling bin). You are going to make Romeo and Juliet. They aren’t going to be hand puppets but will be a picture that you could stick to a pencil or pen (tomorrow you will be performing a play). In the video you have watched, the characters have quite modern clothing. When William Shakespeare wrote the story, the clothing would have looked much more like this...




When you have drawn them and coloured them, you will need to cut them and fix them to a stick of some type. Be careful with your scissors.

Children’s Work
