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Mathematics at Tanworth-in-Arden Primary


White Rose Maths

At Tanworth, we follow the White Rose Primary Scheme of Learning.

Through the use of the White Rose scheme, we aim to build a culture of deep understanding, confidence and competence in maths in order to produce strong, secure learning and real progress.


Not only do we teach children the methods to solve calculations, we explore the thinking behind them - the reason why they work. We develop children's understanding by using a combination of concrete resources and pictorial representations alongside the abstract methods. 


Our aim is to create happy and resilient mathematicians who relish and enjoy the challenge of maths. We want children to become independent and reflective thinkers, whose number fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills support them in other areas across the curriculum.

Cross-curricular maths


Across school, we are developing the use of our maths skills in other areas of the curriculum. This helps children to see the value of these skills and understand their importance. It also gives children further opportunity to practise and embed skills outside of maths lessons and reinforce learning across year groups.


Take a look at some of the cross-curricular maths activities happening - from using Venn and Carroll diagrams to sort criteria and information in RE and science, to using PE skills in relay races and scavenger hunts, to drawing portraits in art using proportion or creating timelines in history - we are thinking carefully about how to provide opportunities for children to see that maths skills are life skills and relevant to a whole host of different situations!

What do the children think about maths lessons at Tanworth?

Times Tables


Knowledge and understanding of times tables and their corresponding division facts is an important area of learning within the maths curriculum. We aim for children to have both a procedural and conceptual understanding of times tables. Not only do they need to know tables by rote and develop fluent recall of number facts but they also need to understand what times tables mean and what these number facts represent. This will help children when they reach year 6 as they will be able to spend more time on problem solving and less time on calculating. 


In accordance with the national curriculum, children are expected to know their times tables up to 12 x 12 by the end of year 4.

To support this, children will regularly practise times tables in maths lessons and every Friday, children from year 3 - year 6 (and Year 2 in the Summer term) will have a short test. The focus of these tests is on beating their best score and they are designed to engage and excite children, challenging them to gain a new personal best


The content of the tests is based on guidance from the NCETM (The national centre for excellence in the teaching of mathematics) about which tables and number bonds children should know as they progress through school. (See below)

Munch 'n' Maths

Parents were invited into school to attend a maths workshop. Each workshop was lead by their child's class teacher and parents spent part of the session learning about and discussing strategies and methods that their children are using in school during their maths lessons. Children then joined their parents and explored a variety of calculations and problems designed to let them (and their parents!) try out their maths skills!

The workshops were well attended and it was lovely to see so many parents in school! Thank you for your support and feedback! 


100% of parents who completed feedback forms agreed with the following statements:

  • I found today’s workshop useful
  • I have a better understanding of the expectations for my child’s year group
  • I have a better understanding of how to support my child with maths
  • I’m glad I came
  • I would like to do more of this type of event

81% of parents strongly agreed with the above statements.



What were the best things about the workshop?

  • “having the opportunity to learn about how the children are learning and work with them in school”
  • “It was lovely to see my child so excited about learning!”
  • “Lots of useful tips for supporting children at home”
  • “seeing how well my child is doing in maths first-hand”
  • “learning new terminology and how my child is taught, not how I was taught”
  • “relaxed atmosphere… informative and useful sessions... fun, clear and concise delivery


What could be improved?

  • “information available about where to purchase certain resources”
  • “more sessions – maths, reading, grammar”
  • “opportunity to attend sessions more often”
  • “different year groups on different days in case you have a child in both”
  • “more notice about when the workshops will be”
  • “more space because it was so popular!”
  • “more time to spend with my child”


Your feedback has been invaluable and we take all points into account. Keep an eye on the newsletter for information about future events!
