Well done for your great work on the 24 hour clock last week.
This week is our last on 'Time'. To start the week I'd like you to go onto MyMaths and complete the lesson and the homework for 'Telling the time 2'. This includes adding and estimating and minutes and hours which is a good build up ready for our calculating we will be doing with time tomorrow.
Login to your MyMaths and find the work that has been set called 'Telling the Time 2'.
To start the week, I am going to give you your spellings and your spelling tasks. It is your choice which tasks you complete and whether you choose to complete more throughout the week, but the resources are here for you. Please choose tasks that you enjoy and help you remember your spellings!
Well they were fun, but leave us with some questions:
If you can, find a dark place in you house where you can get a torch and explore with the shadows you are creating and see if you can answer any of those questions!
Before you watch the next video, you need to know about 3 words and their meaning:
Opaque - This is a material that blocks all light
Transparent - This a material that lets light through so you can see through it (like a window)
Translucent- This is a material that lets some of the light through, but not all.