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Tuesday 5th May


We are going to continue our work on subtraction today. We are going to use a number line to show our subtraction steps this is a method we learn in Year 1 and then adapt in Year 2.

When we use a number line to subtract we can either count back - taking away or count on and solve the subtraction by finding the difference between two numbers. 


Today we are going to use the counting back method of subtraction but we are also going to use our partition skills.

Remember partitioning is just splitting a number into tens and ones.  E.g. 36 has 3 tens and 6 ones.


So let's look at the calculation  57 - 14 = these numbers are far apart so the counting back method is best. Your 10 less work yesterday will help you today. It is really important you can find ten less than any number quickly - keep practising!


Here is an empty number line (a line with no numbers). I have marked 57 the number we are subtracting from at the end of the number line because we are counting back 

(be careful not to put 57 at the wrong end - this is a common mistake).

Now I am going to take away one ten, the one ten of 14. This is why you need to be able to subtract 10 mentally. You can count back 10 ones but that can then lead to mistakes.


I then mark the number I have got to on the empty number line 47


I now need to take away the 4 ones of 14. Then mark where I am on the number line now.



Now I have taken away the 1 ten of 14 and the 4 ones. I do not need to take away anymore so I have found my answer.



If you found taking away four hard you can count back in ones but be very careful you don't miscount. You can see how I have counted back the ones on the line below.


Take a look at the calculation below. Now there is more that one ten to take away! Don't let that catch you out.




Today I would like you to complete the calculations below using this method. Please draw the number lines in your book.

If you are finding it a bit tricky you can use the structured number lines below (number lines with numbers) the example calculations above would look like this.


Structured number lines for support.


Today I would like you to pick out some facts about wolves that interest you. Below is a powerpoint or pdf for you to read through. You can then use the recording sheet or a page in your books and pick out 7 pieces of information or facts that you found interesting.

Topic/Theme - PSHE

This week we have another story called the 'Switch Watch' along with some discussion points and questions. Why not complete it with your family, follow the link below.
