When walking along the road
Walking is healthier than going by car. But children can't always see what adults can see and drivers can't always see children, where they can see an adult.
Children need to learn to:
- always walk on the pavement or path if there is one - never stray on to the road
- walk as far away from the kerb as possible
- walk in single file on the right side of the road facing the traffic if there's no pavement
Knowing the Green Cross Code
Children should not go out alone until they are old enough to know the Green Cross Code and use it properly. The age is different for all children but it is generally not before they are ten years old.
To follow the code, they must:
- find a safe place to cross
- stand on the pavement near the kerb
- look all round for traffic and listen
- if traffic is coming - let it pass then look all round again
- when there is no traffic near, walk straight across the road
- keep looking and listening for traffic while crossing