Can you write at least one sentence for each of the four characters in the story of 'The Three Billy Goat's Gruff'? I'd like you to describe them using the er and est words you looked at on Tuesday. See below for my example.
The Little Billy Goat Gruff was the cleverest of all the goats because he thought of the idea to trick the troll.
I've added some word banks below to help you. Remember, I'd like to see finger spaces, capital letters and full stops and make sure you read your work back to check it makes sense!
Keep practising verbally retelling the story as it will help you when it comes to writing the story!
If you haven't logged onto Phonics bug this week, please make sure you do so.
Maths: Today we are starting our multiplication unit!
*Parents, please note that we don't teach timestables in Year 1. We teach the precursor to timestables by counting in twos, fives and tens. Children should learn how to multiply before they start to learn their timestables.*
Today I would like you to practise counting in twos, fives and tens. Join in with the supermovers video, linked below:
Choose a challenge from below, use your counting in ten skills to answer and solve the problems.
History: Today I'd like you to be History detectives.
Who is this lady? What could she have done that was significant? (Remember, significant means important and memorable) When did she live? How might she be linked to our new topic?
Use the painting as a source of information, think about where she is, what she's holding and what she might be doing there.