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Wednesday 10th February 2021

What's happening today?


  • Before our meeting enjoy your reading book.
  • 9.20 - 9.40 Meet me online at 9.20 to discuss our English lesson
  • English Activity, following on from our live session - see below
  • Brain Break - Guided Meditation
  • Science - Following on from our animal lessons, toady we are going to find out what types of food animals eat. - See Below
  • Theme R.E. We are going to find more out about the Good News that Jesus brings to Christians and today it is all about Forgiveness. See Below
  • 2.00 - 2.15 Meet me online this afternoon to share your fantastic sentences.


Following our online lesson this morning.


Today I would like you to create your own complex sentences using these subordinating conjunctions and I would like you to use your knowledge of the Katie Morag stories for your ideas.  Remember these words help to join a main clause (a sentence that makes sense on its own) and a dependent clause (doesn't make sense on it's own).


E.G. Katie Morag put on her coat because it was cold.  

Katie put on her wellies when it was a wet day.

Granma Mainland came to visit if the weather was good.


Remember your dependent clauses can come first, like the examples below.

When it is summer, people like to visit the Isle of Struay.

If you go to the island, make sure you visit the Lady Artists house to buy a painting.


If you are using your dependent clause first, you will need a comma after it!

If you are using your dependent clause first, you will need a comma after it!


If you are finding it difficult to create your own sentences, use my examples and use the conjunction that you think fits best! You will find them as a document below.



Sentences to complete - when, if, because

Just for fun I have included another story today. - Katie Morag and the New Pier I hope you enjoy it!

Katie Morag and the new pier

Extra Challenge


Can you find any sentences using subordination in any of your reading books at home?

I looked through the story book of Katie Morag and the New Pier and found all of these!


Brain Break

Today for a change we are going to have some guided meditation so relax and find a quiet place.

A Kiss - Faerie Guided Meditations for Children by Michelle Roberton-Jones

Michelle Roberton-Jones presents another wonderful collection of guided meditations for children. Children are invited to explore their imaginations and ente...


So far we have found out all about different animals that hatch form an egg or are born live. we have found out that there are different animal groups and we have found out about the different stages of human growth. Today we are going to think about the different types of food animals eat.  Follow the link below to the online lesson.  Have fun!

Theme - Religious Education R.E

Recently we thought about the story of when Jesus met Matthew and why Jesus chose Matthew as a disciple even though he was not liked by many people. You can watch the story again to remind yourself.  This story spreads the Good News to Christians that Jesus was a friend to the friendless.



Jesus Calls Matthew

This story is based on Matthew 9:9-13, Mark 2:13-17, and Luke 5:27-32.

Today we are going to find out about another story all about forgiveness.  Christians believe that God will give you forgiveness if you go wrong, they believe that this is more Good News that Jesus shared.  Today's story isn't a bible story but it shows the importance of forgiveness and the importance of being able to forgive.


After you have watched the story, describe how the angry bee felt. You could think of some adjectives to describe him or explain in some sentences. You might like to just share your ideas with someone at home.



Then I would like you to think about a time when you have been angry, it is O.K to be angry and everybody feels angry at times, even Miss Evens.  Can you think of a time when you have felt a bit like the angry bee in this story?  


Now I want you to imagine that you were one of the other bees in the story. What could you say to the angry bee to help him feel better and encourage him to forgive? Again you might like to write or draw your ideas or discuss them with someone at home.


Remember Jesus showed people that God wants everyone to show forgiveness to all.



The Angry Bee | A Story About Forgiveness
