Today is Feel Good Friday!
You have no 'work' set for today, but we do have a couple of tasks for you:
1. Teams Call- 10.40- Scattegories. See explanation on Teams.
2. A goodbye sing song- Reverend Paul Cudby is leaving the church at the end of the half term holiday. In normal times, we would do something as a whole school to say thank you for all his hard work and to say goodbye. However, these aren't normal times and so we have had a think about how we can say goodbye! If you could record yourself singing the blessing song and send your video into the school via email. A link to the lyrics and music is here:
3. A goodbye gift- Create a message/ drawing/ annotated picture for Paul. All work and videos are to be sent to the school office's email address.
2. Teams Call - BINGO!
Other than that, I'd like you to do things that make you happy! Take a look at the wellbeing grid below and choose some of the activities to do.
Look forward to seeing you for Scattergories and Bingo!
** If you would like some work- you can complete the homework pages, read you reading book, quiz or practise your spellings.
Love from Miss Wildthing