Updated about COVID-19 – Novel Coronavirus (10th March 2020) which we have received today from Public Health England
Current situation:
We currently have 4 cases of COVID-19 in Warwickshire and 3 cases in Coventry. All appropriate actions are being taken with regard to follow up of all of the close contacts of these cases. Coventry City Council and Warwickshire County Council are working alongside Public Health England and NHS partners to support this work.
To date there are 373 patients in England who have tested positive for COVID-19 to date. Of the remaining 25888 tests that have been undertaken in the UK, all have been confirmed as negative.
Please see below for the national COVID-19 action plan: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-action-plan Key advice for returning travellers
Information for returning travellers is regularly updated to include new countries as appropriate, with specific advice depending on the area/towns in the countries that they may have been to/through.
Please note that there has been a change late on 9th March 2020 for advice for returning travellers from Italy. People returning from Italy from 9th March 2020 onwards are being asked to self isolate (whether or not they have symptoms). People returning from Italy between 19th February and 8th March 2020 are being asked to self-isolate if they have been to one of the specified areas (please note these were increased in size on the 8th March 2020). Other returning travellers from Italy only need to self-isolate if they develop symptoms.
Detailed information and advice for the public can be found on the NHS.uk website (and will be regularly updated): https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/ Further information for the public about the situation can be found here (and will be regularly updated): https://www.gov.uk/guidance/wuhan-novel-coronavirus-information-for-the-public Department of Education have a helpline up and running to answer questions about COVID19 related to education.
Staff, parents and young people can contact the helpline as follows:
Phone: 0800 046 8687
Email: DfE.coronavirushelpline@education.gov.uk
Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday)
Travel advice
Travel advice is changing regularly as the situation changes internationally. We recommend that you look up country-specific information and advice on the Foreign Office website here: https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice Useful guidance, resources and communications materials,