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Good morning children!


Online learning is going to start getting a little bit different from now on.

This morning I have invited you all to a meeting via Microsoft Teams, log in to WeLearn365 (like parents evening) to access the link in your emails (don't forget to add to your username to login). I have split you into two groups. Group 1 is at 9:00am and Group 2 is at 9:15am. We will use this meeting to say hello to one another and we'll also practise using the different buttons.


I have also updated the Bug Club with books for your reading level. Reading is super duper important so please read every, if not most, days.


Thank you for your lovely Tapestry observations from yesterday, please continue to put your work on Tapestry today.


Timetable for today: 

(Government guidelines suggest learning from home should take around three hours. If I was doing learning from home, this is how I would plan the day but please adapt to your needs and commitments).

9:00 - 9:15 Microsoft Teams meeting for Group 1.

9:15 - 9:30 Microsoft Teams meeting for Group 2.

9:30 - 10:00 Phonics

10:00 - 10:15 Brain Break

10:15 - 10:45 English

10:45 - 11:15 Maths

11:15 - 11:30 Brain Break

11:30 - 12:00 R.E.




Today we're going to be recapping the 'ai' sound.

Look at the image below to recap different ways of writing 'ai'.

Go on a sound hunt around your home looking for items with 'ai' in their name.

Can you write the words for the items choosing the right 'ai' spelling.


Recap the story from yesterday.

Tell someone what happens in the story.

Just like we've done in school, create a story road map by drawing pictures of key parts of the story along the road in order. Choose the beginning, three parts from the middle and the end.

See image below for an idea.


Look at the image below and finish the sentences with the amount there are.

There are ___ cylinders.

There are ___ cuboids.

There are ___ pyramids.

There are ___ cubes.


Challenge: Can you describe each shape? How many edges, vertices and faces does it have?

Read the story of The Lost Son.

The Lost Son is a parable. Do you know what parable means?

A parable is a story Christians believe were told by Jesus to help people understand God.

Parables often have a hidden meaning behind them that teach us lessons or how to behave.

What lesson do you think The Lost Son is teaching us?

Write down your ideas and share them with me on Tapestry.
