Home Page

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

2019 - 2020



Miss Cutler


Teaching Assistants: 

Mrs Allen, Miss Abbotts, Mrs Rockett (am)

Mrs Allen, Mrs Mantle (pm)




Welcome to our class page! Keep an eye out for information about what we get up to this year!


Munch 'n' Maths

On Thursday 14th November, we had our Y5 Munch 'n'Maths session. It was so lovely to see so many parents for our session! More details will be on the Maths section of the website soon. I know the children loved seeing you all in school!

Poppies and Poetry

The children took part in a "Poppies and Poetry" workshop where they retold part of the story of WW1 through poetry and drama. Each class performed a small section to the rest of the school. 

Learning to sketch - Viking longships!

Viking shields


We learnt that Viking warriors often carved or painted symbols on their shields as they believed it would protect them and bring them luck. After studying the different symbols, we designed a Viking shield. 

Reproductive parts of a flower


We looked at the artist Georgia O'Keeffe and produced some art inspired by her work. We used this to support our learning on reproductive parts of a flower labelling the stigma, style, ovary, anther, pollen and filament. 
