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Mon 30th Mar



We are continuing with our work on fractions on a numberline today.  Please watch the video from the link first and then have a go at the questions. The first part of the video is a bit of revision/ general questions, then the teaching about the numberlines begins afterwards. smiley


Please look at your spellings for this week (Week 2).


To get used to the spellings, I would like you to do some handwriting with them. Copy out each spelling neatly and fill a line. Remember to join your letters, keep them the same size and make sure they are on the line.  


As it is Shakespeare week,in English we are going to explore one of his plays called a Midsummer Night's Dream. It is one of Shakespeare's comedies and is great fun. Today I would like you to watch the parts 1 and 2 of the play below. Please try and get used to all the characters. There is a section to help you understand who each one is on the page. Remember, this is just an animation of the play. It was written to be performed on the stage.



Now you've seen the first parts, I would like you to choose a character that you've been introduced to and write a short description of them. Think about their appearance (what they look like), their feelings and any other facts you've found out about them.
Have a look at the Shakespeare part of the weekly home learning. This is time for you to choose an activity or task. Perhaps you'll just explore the resources today and fins out a bit more about Shakespeare?