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Good morning children!

The weather forecast today is cloudy with sunny spells and rather cold at 3ºC. Why am I talking about the weather do I hear you ask? Well children, our brand new topic is called 'Freezing Cold to Piping Hot'. We will be looking at the weather, animals and places around the world this term!


Have a lovely day... I am super duper proud of you all!


Parents - if you do not know your children's welearn365 login details (same as parents evening) or Phonics Bug Club login details on Active Learn please contact the school as soon as possible so I can distribute those to you.


Please share your work for today on Tapestry.



Today we are going to be playing a game. Please see below for an example of the game. If you have a printer you could print it, you can rewrite it out or you could write the words extra big and do a life-size path for you to step on. Please do as many as you like.

Read each word and travel to the next once read. Colour the ones you get right.


Over the next few weeks our English text is going to be 'Rainbow Bear' written by Michael Morpurgo.

Please listen to the story. Can you retell what happened?

The Rainbow Bear by Michael Morpurgo


We are starting shape work this week. We haven't learnt about shapes for a while so don't worry if you don't know them all. Watch the video to recap 3D shapes and then match the 3D shape words to the shape. Write the shape words and draw the shapes if you don't have a printer. If there is a shape you don't know, ask an adult to test you throughout the day with household items to practise. For example, an adult might hold up a tissue box and ask what shape it is.

3D Shapes Song


Just like our Autumn walk that we did a few weeks ago, I would like you to look out your window or go round your garden and look for signs of winter.

Draw pictures of your findings and neatly label them using cursive writing.
