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Maths: Today I'd like you to work on multiplying 3 numbers together. Watch the video I have uploaded it will help you!  It may look complicated but trust me you guys are more than capable of this!

Chilli 1: 

Chilli 2: 

Chilli 3: 


Brain Break


English: Meet me at 10 o'clock for our English lesson, we are going to start writing the story 'Cinderella of the Nile' from the point of view of another character! What character do you think it might be? You will need to bring your story maps with you to help you retell the story during the session.  This task will take a few days to complete (just like in class!) so I am setting a hand in date for Monday 1st February and we will have all of our live lessons on this subject for the next few days!  If possible, I would really like to see your handwritten stories rather than typed for this assignment, as I would like to make sure that your handwriting hasn't slipped backwards (I have seen some scrappy handwriting recently!) and to check on your spelling! Just like in class, I will be sharing my writing with you for you to magpie and the key words that should be spelt correctly. The first writing session will focus on Rhodopis' kidnap and the journeys she is taken on until she arrives in Egypt. 


Brain Break


PSHE: Watch the 'Calm me' time video and join in with the mindful breathing activity.


Looking at the same scenarios as the other day, this time I'd like you to come up with a new goal/dream for the people in the scenarios.  Try to think about how they could become more resilient.


Don't forget that you can also complete a spelling activity, read a chapter of 'Secrets of a Sun King' and complete a guided reading task (I didn't have many in last week!), complete your optional Grammar task do some personal reading, listen to the weekly music and complete the daily PE activity and activities for the Get Set to Tokyo challenge!
