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Reception Class

Welcome to Reception!


Class Teacher: Miss Smith

Teaching Assistant : Miss Davis


Check back here regularly so see what Reception Class get up to at school.

Spring 1

Phonics We Have Learnt in Spring 1...

WB: 06/01/20

Sounds: Recap of Phase 2

Tricky Words: Recap of Phase 2


WB: 13/01/20

Sounds: j, v, w

Tricky Words: into


WB: 20/01/20

Sounds: x, y, z, zz, qu

Tricky Words: he, she

Reception Pyjama Party

Thank you to all the adults that Joined us for our Fantastic Finale of this half term's topic 'What Happens When We Fall Asleep?'

The children really enjoyed their Pyjama Party, having 'midnight feast' snacks and having the parents in to read them a 'bedtime story'.

Autumn 2

Autumn 2 Newsletter and Curriculum Map

Phonics We Have Learnt in Autumn 2...

WB: 04/11/19

Sounds: r, b, h

Tricky Words: no


WB: 11/11/19

Sounds: f, ff, l

Tricky Words: I, go


WB: 18/11/19

Sounds: ll, ss

Tricky Words: Recap


WB: 25/11/19

Sounds: Recap of Phase 2

Tricky Words: Recap of Phase 2

Autumn 1

Autumn 1 Newsletter and Curriculum Map

Phonics Information Workshop

Phonics We Have Learnt in Autumn 1...

WB: 30/09/19

Sounds: s, a, t, p


WB: 07/10/19

Sounds: i, n, m, d


WB: 14/10/19

Sounds: g, o, c


WB: 21/10/19

Sounds: k, ck, e, u

Tricky Words: to, the

Did You Know?


In Reception Class we don't follow the National Curriculum, we follow the 'EARLY YEARS FOUNDATION STAGE (EYFS) FRAMEWORK'. This document is designed to help track children's development from birth to the end of Reception and is split into 7 areas. These 7 areas are further divided into PRIME and SPECFIC areas and can be seen below....


At the end of each area of development is an EARLY LEARNING GOAL. This is roughly a paragraph long and lists a set of statements that would be typical for a child to be able to achieve at the end of the year. It is a 'best fit' model so it doesn't matter if the child can't do every single thing listed. At the end of the year we will report to you whether your child has achieved the Early Learning Goal and is EXPECTED, whether they haven't quite got there yet and are EMERGING or if they have achieved more and are EXCEEDING.







Letter and Number Formation Sheets
