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W/C: 11/01/21

Friday 15th January 2021




**Don't forget there will be no live lesson at 10.40 today.


1. Maths -LO: Can I solve division and multiplication problems?


2. English - LO: Can I plan and carry out an interview?


**Please practise your spellings. In our Teams English channel, click on files (at the top).


3. Science - LO: As a scientist, can carry out and record an experiment?


4. Teams call - Hopefully I will be back in time to see how you have got on today- 3.00pm


Remember to take brain breaks - read your book, stretch, snack, watch something educational, play a game or do one of the daily PE activities (log it on get set Tokoyo) Whatever you do, have fun!


Have a great day cool

Thursday 14th January 2021




1. Maths -LO: Can I solve division and multiplication problems?


2. Teams call - English - 10.40am- 11.00am. Please remind me I need to record this lesson. Thank you.


3. Independent English task - LO: Can I write a newspaper introductory sentence? To be turned in by 2.30pm thank you.


***Don't forget to practise your spellings. In our Teams English channel, click on files (at the top).


4. Science - LO: As a scientist, can I plan a scientific investigation?


5. Teams call - Feedback - 3.00pm


Remember to take brain breaks - read your book, stretch, snack, watch something educational, play a game or do one of the daily PE activities (log it on get set Tokoyo) Whatever you do, have fun!


Have a great day wink

Wednesday 13th January 2021




1. Maths -LO: Can I divide decimals by 10, 100 and 1000?


2. Teams call - English - 10.40am- 11.00am. Please remind me I need to record this lesson. Thank you.


3. Independent GPS task - LO: Can I use the passive voice? To be turned in by 2.30pm thank you.


***Don't forget to practise your spellings. In our Teams English channel, click on files (at the top).


4. Science - LO: As a scientist, can I describe how water and nutrients are transported within the body?


5. Teams call - Feedback - 3.00pm


Remember to take brain breaks - read your book, stretch, snack, watch something educational, play a game or do one of the daily PE activities (log it on get set Tokoyo) Whatever you do, have fun!


Have a great day laugh


Tuesday 12th January 2021




1. Science - LO: As a scientist, Can I describe the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood?


2. Teams call - English - 10.40am. Please remind me I need to record this lesson. Thank you.


3. Independent English task - LO: Can I choose a suitable headline?  To be turned in by 2.30pm thank you.


***Don't forget to practise your spellings. In our Teams English channel, click on files (at the top).


4. Maths - LO: Can I multiply decimals by 10, 100 and 1000?


5. Teams call - Feedback - 3.00pm


Remember to take brain breaks - read your book, stretch, snack, watch something educational, play a game or do one of the daily PE activities (log it on get set Tokoyo) Whatever you do, have fun!


Have a great day cheeky

Good Morning


I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

You were all amazing last week, I am so proud of each and everyone of you for being so grown-up, independent and so clever for speedily picking up how to use Teams.

Here's to us having another fantastic week. 

Just to let you know, I am in school working with the key worker's children, from year 5 and 6, this week so if I a little delayed at responding to your messages- I apologise. I'll do my best to get back to you as soon as I can.


Our Teams calls are at:


10.40am - 11.00am

Live lesson


3.00pm - 3.15pm

Feedback on work.


I look forward to seeing all your lovely faces. Please find your timetable, for today, below.

Monday 11th January




1. English - LO: Can I use my comprehension skills? 


***In our English channel, click on files at the top and you will find in there your spellings for this week. If you are group 1 in class- then you go into the group 1 folder and use the practise materials (we are now week 2). Group 2, you go into the group 2 folder. These do not need to be handed in but I am trusting you to practise these throughout the week. 


2. Teams call - Science - 10.40am. Please remind me I need to record this lesson. Thank you.


3. Independent Science task - LO: As a scientist, can I identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system?  To be turned in by 2.30pm thank you.


4. Maths - LO: Can I recognise the value of each place value column?


5. Teams call - Feedback - 3.00pm


Remember to take brain breaks - read your book, stretch, snack, watch something educational, play a game or do one of the daily PE activities (log it on get set Tokoyo) Whatever you do, have fun!


Have a great day heart
